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A New Chapter
Welcome to another weekly blog post from Team IRIS! This past week the team submitted the fourth version of our Student Experiment Documentation (SED), marking the start of the next chapter in the project timeline.
The following weeks will be very interesting, as the Launch Campaign is scheduled to begin on October 13th.
The ground
Here is a first look on the UI of the Ground Station, created by our Software Department.
In the bottom right the last image captured by the experiment camera is displayed.
The two graphs show the temperature history; the upper graph shows the long term trend while the lower one shows recent fluctuations.
"Sit still François, or I will call the police"
- Gustaf ljungné, Project Manager
The work load is high at this point, but that does not mean our spirits are low! The excitement of the impending launch campaign means some team members, Like François here, are constantly smiling.
This week the Optics Department has been sent to Luleå, where they will calibrate our optical equipment with the help of lasers!
The Brain Box
The Brain Box contains the data storage and all related electronics. It is now in the process of being properly insulated.
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Many thanks,
The Economical Department